Showing first 100 matches for "pool" and ".ca":

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
banks.caApril 2008$ 41,000.00 USDPool
savings.caMarch 2006$ 36,050.00 USDPool
canadacomputers.caJanuary 2007$ 16,055.00 USDPool
financing.caApril 2006$ 12,000.00 USDPool
resto.caApril 2006$ 11,611.00 USDPool
cafe.caJuly 2008$ 8,200.00 USDPool
airmail.caMarch 2006$ 7,500.00 USDPool
lawns.caFebruary 2008$ 6,400.00 USDPool
betting.caJuly 2008$ 5,310.00 USDPool
calories.caMarch 2008$ 5,300.00 USDPool
hv.caApril 2006$ 5,200.00 USDPool
lq.caMay 2008$ 5,100.00 USDPool
ud.caApril 2006$ 5,000.00 USDPool
inktoner.caOctober 2007$ 4,599.00 USDPool
fv.caApril 2006$ 4,100.00 USDPool
fy.caApril 2006$ 4,100.00 USDPool
adultmovie.caApril 2006$ 3,750.00 USDPool
autofinance.caFebruary 2007$ 3,651.00 USDPool
mns.caApril 2008$ 3,300.00 USDPool
workapolis.caApril 2006$ 3,300.00 USDPool
workoplis.caApril 2006$ 3,300.00 USDPool
workopolis.caApril 2006$ 3,300.00 USDPool
housevalue.caJanuary 2007$ 3,200.00 USDPool
ten.caApril 2006$ 3,200.00 USDPool
whistlerhotels.caFebruary 2008$ 3,161.00 USDPool

homebuyers.caMarch 2008$ 3,102.00 USDPool
canadianpersonals.caMarch 2008$ 3,101.00 USDPool
mosaik.caApril 2006$ 3,100.00 USDPool
businessphones.caAugust 2006$ 3,001.00 USDPool
advertisers.caApril 2006$ 3,000.00 USDPool
coast.caApril 2006$ 3,000.00 USDPool
http.caApril 2006$ 3,000.00 USDPool
auditors.caApril 2006$ 2,900.00 USDPool
medication.caFebruary 2008$ 2,810.00 USDPool
router.caApril 2006$ 2,800.00 USDPool
treehouse.caApril 2008$ 2,760.00 USDPool
north.caApril 2008$ 2,701.00 USDPool
onlineinvesting.caMay 2008$ 2,700.00 USDPool
insane.caApril 2006$ 2,600.00 USDPool
realestatemortgage.caApril 2006$ 2,600.00 USDPool
toysareus.caJanuary 2007$ 2,600.00 USDPool
zellars.caApril 2006$ 2,451.00 USDPool
driveclean.caJanuary 2007$ 2,450.00 USDPool
searscanada.caFebruary 2007$ 2,406.00 USDPool
backsurgery.caJanuary 2007$ 2,350.00 USDPool
eshops.caJanuary 2007$ 2,250.00 USDPool
tycoon.caApril 2006$ 2,201.00 USDPool
freepoker.caSeptember 2008$ 2,180.00 USDPool
coffeeshops.caMarch 2006$ 2,160.00 USDPool
calculus.caFebruary 2007$ 2,050.00 USDPool

partyinvitations.caJanuary 2007$ 2,000.00 USDPool
peg.caFebruary 2008$ 2,000.00 USDPool
horsebreeding.caJune 2006$ 1,850.00 USDPool
onlineblackjack.caApril 2006$ 1,850.00 USDPool
opseu.caMay 2006$ 1,830.00 USDPool
bpm.caApril 2006$ 1,827.00 USDPool
dork.caApril 2006$ 1,826.00 USDPool
diamondearrings.caJanuary 2007$ 1,800.00 USDPool
moviestars.caApril 2006$ 1,725.00 USDPool
residence.caMarch 2006$ 1,717.00 USDPool
mlsonline.caApril 2006$ 1,662.00 USDPool
publication.caJune 2006$ 1,651.00 USDPool
experian.caMarch 2006$ 1,605.00 USDPool
chysler.caJanuary 2007$ 1,600.00 USDPool
creditcounselingservice.caApril 2006$ 1,600.00 USDPool
domainlaw.caMarch 2006$ 1,600.00 USDPool
sellit.caApril 2007$ 1,600.00 USDPool
a7.caJune 2008$ 1,580.00 USDPool
dellstore.caJanuary 2007$ 1,550.00 USDPool
detectiveagency.caJanuary 2007$ 1,550.00 USDPool
diamondearring.caJanuary 2007$ 1,550.00 USDPool
movietime.caJanuary 2007$ 1,550.00 USDPool
jobswest.caFebruary 2007$ 1,500.00 USDPool
presspass.caSeptember 2006$ 1,500.00 USDPool
canadaintire.caApril 2006$ 1,483.00 USDPool

babytalk.caJanuary 2007$ 1,450.00 USDPool
celadon.caJanuary 2007$ 1,350.00 USDPool
ebook.caMarch 2007$ 1,302.00 USDPool
stapels.caApril 2006$ 1,301.00 USDPool
autorefinance.caNovember 2006$ 1,300.00 USDPool
brilliance.caJanuary 2007$ 1,300.00 USDPool
lastnames.caJanuary 2007$ 1,300.00 USDPool
binders.caApril 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
breadmachines.caJanuary 2007$ 1,250.00 USDPool
earphones.caMarch 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
fraternity.caApril 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
modelcars.caMarch 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
tdaccess.caApril 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
vacationplanner.caJuly 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
webmarketing.caMarch 2006$ 1,250.00 USDPool
anywho.caApril 2006$ 1,220.00 USDPool
edeals.caJanuary 2007$ 1,200.00 USDPool
burial.caAugust 2006$ 1,172.00 USDPool
autotransport.caApril 2006$ 1,166.00 USDPool
fence.caApril 2006$ 1,161.00 USDPool
airtime.caNovember 2006$ 1,150.00 USDPool
golfsimulator.caApril 2006$ 1,150.00 USDPool
hollywoodpoker.caApril 2006$ 1,075.00 USDPool
hepcoe.caJanuary 2007$ 1,060.00 USDPool
servus.caJanuary 2007$ 1,060.00 USDPool

Total price amount in this set of 100 domain name sales is 346,683.00 USD; average price is 3,466.83 USD.

To browse through all 113 results you may wish to contact our consultants to acquire all records of this specific query.

Check also:

  • Pool sales
  • .ca brokerage statistics
  • .ca registration renewal transfer prices