Found 26 matches for February 2009 and .biz:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
prolink.bizFebruary 2009$ 1,500.00 USDSedo auction
justfind.bizFebruary 2009$ 1,250.00 USDSedo auction
bellen.bizFebruary 2009€ 975.00 EURSedo auction
geothermie.bizFebruary 2009$ 1,170.00 USDSedo
bms.bizFebruary 2009$ 1,000.00 USDSedo
marcum.bizFebruary 2009$ 1,000.00 USDAfterNIC
businessopportunity.bizFebruary 2009£ 600.00 GBPSedo auction
dumps.bizFebruary 2009$ 500.00 USDSedo auction
005.bizFebruary 2009$ 400.00 USDSedo auction
orthophonie.bizFebruary 2009€ 300.00 EURSedo auction
webdesignstudio.bizFebruary 2009$ 375.00 USDAfterNIC
payment.bizFebruary 2009€ 260.00 EURSedo auction
avto.bizFebruary 2009$ 310.00 USDSedo auction
sofia.bizFebruary 2009$ 286.00 USDSedo auction
jeuxgratuits.bizFebruary 2009€ 170.00 EURSedo auction
versicherungsvertreter.bizFebruary 2009€ 140.00 EURSedo auction
omc.bizFebruary 2009$ 170.00 USDSedo auction
rohstoffe.bizFebruary 2009€ 100.00 EURSedo auction
avalanche.bizFebruary 2009$ 110.00 USDSedo auction
coursparticulier.bizFebruary 2009€ 80.00 EURSedo auction
kwk.bizFebruary 2009€ 60.00 EURSedo auction
zfi.bizFebruary 2009€ 60.00 EURSedo auction
cheddar.bizFebruary 2009$ 70.00 USDSedo auction
browncounty.bizFebruary 2009$ 60.00 USDSedo auction
krona.bizFebruary 2009$ 60.00 USDSedo auction

lesaffaires.bizFebruary 2009$ 60.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 26 domain name sales is 11,927.26 USD; average price is 458.74 USD.

Check also:

  • .biz monthly statistics
  • February 2009 stats
  • .biz registration renewal transfer prices