Found 10 matches for June 2020 and .world:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
healthinsurance.worldJune 2020$ 150.00 USDGoDaddy auction
zoo.worldJune 2020$ 100.00 USDDynadot
discovernovascotia.worldJune 2020$ 33.00 USDDynadot
delltechworld.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot
dish.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot
forget.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot
hairstyle.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot
indoxx1.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot
lose.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot
merchant.worldJune 2020$ 28.99 USDDynadot

Total price amount in this set of 10 domain name sales is 485.93 USD; average price is 48.59 USD.

Check also:

  • .world monthly statistics
  • June 2020 stats
  • .world registration renewal transfer prices