Found 9 matches for July 2022 and .live:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
goal.liveJuly 2022$ 345.00 USDDynadot
streamhd247.liveJuly 2022$ 92.00 USDDynadot
amusinggloko.liveJuly 2022$ 39.00 USDDynadot
chitchat.liveJuly 2022$ 28.50 USDDynadot
valetme.liveJuly 2022$ 28.50 USDDynadot
vegasstrip.liveJuly 2022$ 28.50 USDDynadot
voicemessage.liveJuly 2022$ 28.50 USDDynadot
aifuliba.liveJuly 2022$ 25.99 USDDynadot
marapcana.liveJuly 2022$ 25.99 USDDynadot

Total price amount in this set of 9 domain name sales is 641.98 USD; average price is 71.33 USD.

Check also:

  • .live monthly statistics
  • July 2022 stats
  • .live registration renewal transfer prices