
Search syntax:

  • add “!” before the keyword to exclude it from the search
  • prefix the keyword with “|” to search for occurrences starting with it
  • suffix the keyword with “|” to search for occurrences ending with it
  • prefix and suffix the domain name with “|” for the exact match(es)


  • add “(n)” to search for domain names exactly n characters long (TLD excluding)
  • add “(n1..n2)” to search for domain names with length (TLD excluding) in the range of n1..n2
  • add “(idn:n1[..n2])” to search for internationalised domain names with length (TLD excluding) in the range of n1[..n2]

Time range:

  • add “@yyyy” to search for sales in year yyyy
  • add “@yyyy-mm” to search for sales in month yyyy-mm
  • add “@yyyy..zzzz” to search for sales between year yyyy and zzzz
  • add “@yyyy-mm..zzzz-nn” to search for sales between month yyyy-mm and zzzz-nn
  • time shortcuts (mind when sharing the links with these shortcuts as the referenced dates will change, so will the results):
    • @weektodate or @thisweek
    • @lastweek
    • @monthtodate or @thismonth
    • @lastmonth
    • @yeartodate or @thisyear
    • @lastyear

Dollar range:

  • add “$xxx.xx” to search for sales of exact xxx.xx USD value
  • add “$<xxx.xx” to search for sales below xxx.xx USD value
  • add “$>xxx.xx” to search for sales above xxx.xx USD value
  • add “$xxx.xx..yyy.yy” to search for sales above or equal xxx.xx and below or equal yyy.yy USD value


  • add “.cctld|” or “.gtld|” or “.oldgtld|” or “.newgtld|” or “.idntld|” or “.sld|” to look only for ccTLDs or gTLDs or old gTLDs or new gTLDs or IDN TLDs or SLDs respectively


  • add “pattern:PATTERN” or “p:PATTERN” for the domain name(s) to match
  • allowed elements in PATTERN:
    • A: match any character
    • C: match only consonants
    • E: match only premium English letters (those excluding ‘j’, ‘q’, and ‘z’)
    • L: match only Latin letters
    • M: match only Chinese premium numbers (those excluding 4, and 5)
    • N: match only numbers
    • P: match only Chinese premium letters (those excluding vowels and ‘v’)
    • Q: match only Chinese premium numbers (those excluding 0, 1, 4, and 5)
    • R: match only Chinese premium letters and ultra premium numbers (those excluding vowels and ‘v’, 0, 1, 4, and 5)
    • V: match only vowels
    • W: match only premium Western letters (those excluding ‘j’,’k’,’q’,’u’,’v’,’w’,’x’,’y’,’z’)
    • .: match only dot
    • : match only dash
    • 0 to 9: match only the exact number
    • a to z: match only the exact Latin letter (N.B. should be in small Latin letters)
    • {.-09az}: match only the specified range of characters (allowed are ‘.’, ‘-‘, digits, and small Latin letters; no spaces permitted)
  • Repeating PATTERNs:
    • {%:#}: where % is any capital letter from the list above or a specified range of characters (allowed are ‘.’, ‘-‘, digits, and small Latin letters; no spaces permitted) and # is the id of the repeating group (a positive integer number)
    • E.g., “repeating:{N:1}-{N:1} (3)” will show the list of three character domain names with identical digits at the ends and a dash between them
    • E.g., “repeating:{L:1}{L:1}{N:2}{N:2} (4)” will show the list of four character domain names with two identical letters followed by two identical digits
    • N.B. old repeating predefined groups for numbers I, J, K and for letters X, Y, Z are phased out and replaced by {N:1}, {N:2}, {N:3} and {L:4}, {L:5}, {L:6} respectively
    • E.g., “repeating:XIXI (4)” in former syntax, which is the same as “repeating:{L:4}{N:1}{L:4}{N:1} (4)“, will show the list of names with identical letters on the first and the third positions and identical numbers on the second and the forth positions
  • N.B. the maximum number of elements in the pattern is 4 (12 for premium users)
  • N.B. patterns do NOT restrict the length of the domain names; they just set the matching rules for the first n characters; to limit the length, one can add an additional search parameter as defined above^
  • N.B. do not combine pattern search with “Latin characters only” or “Numbers only” search masks as they shall overrule the former
  • Example: searching “pattern:CVCV (4) .cctld|” will show the list of easy to pronounce four character country code domain names

Brokers (premium users only):

  • add “(broker:sedo)” to search for domain names sold via Sedo brokerage
  • add “!b:flippa” to conceal results sold via Flippa auction house

N.B. if you use multiple instances of “(…)”, “@…”, “$…”, “…tld|”, or patters instructions – make sure they don’t contradict each other, else no results will show up. All these special conditions are added to the rest of the query on “AND” glue basis. They can be negated by preceding the search parameter with “!”.

Useful shortcuts:

  • Exclude hyphens: “!-“
  • Exclude numbers: “!0 !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9”

Other search options that are accessible by pressing on settings icon icon:

  • Keyword glue: “AND” will look for results that match all keywords; “OR” will show results matching any of the specified keywords
  • Show results matching [before TLD]: “Latin characters only” will help you to apply {L+}.tld masks; “Numbers only” will help you to apply {N+}.tld masks
  • Show auctions with unmet reserves
  • Show deals that might have included other assets


  • Combining some of the above queries with short search strings may be available only to the premium users.

Similar Sales Syntax

Use “!keyword1 !keyword2 …” to skip some automatically generated keyword(s) that are used in the similar sales algorithm.

Use “!!keyword1 !!keyword2 …” to skip some keyword(s) in the similar sales results.

Also do check some of the frequently asked questions for further tricks and tips.

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Examples:   love me   |love !.com|   ||   love.   .me|   ...  

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