Found 8 matches for "mediaoptions" and ".org":

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
autoinsurance.orgJanuary 2011$ 440,000.00 USDMediaOptions
cacao.orgJune 2011$ 15,000.00 USDMediaOptions
cheap.orgApril 2011$ 15,000.00 USDMediaOptions
top.orgMay 2011$ 14,000.00 USDMediaOptions
giftcard.orgDecember 2010$ 4,500.00 USDMediaOptions
giftcards.orgDecember 2010$ 4,500.00 USDMediaOptions
latinos.orgMay 2010$ 3,650.00 USDMediaOptions
steakhouse.orgApril 2010$ 2,400.00 USDMediaOptions

Total price amount in this set of 8 domain name sales is 499,050.00 USD; average price is 62,381.25 USD.

Check also:

  • MediaOptions sales
  • .org brokerage statistics
  • .org registration renewal transfer prices