Found 8 matches for .jp 3 characters long:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
anz.jpJanuary 2011$ 9,500.00 USDSedo
run.jpMay 2017$ 4,998.00 USDSedo
may.jpJanuary 2011$ 1,800.00 USD
lib.jpJanuary 2012$ 1,200.00 USDSedo
1st.jpFebruary 2008$ 600.00 USDSedo auction
api.jpJanuary 2008$ 500.00 USDSedo auction
spy.jpOctober 2007€ 190.00 EURSedo auction
mbg.jpJune 2007$ 230.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 8 domain name sales is 19,097.20 USD; average price is 2,387.15 USD.

Return to .jp short length statistics.