Found 6 matches for .tips 9 characters long:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
innsbruck.tipsJanuary 2015$ 3,955.00 USDSedo
insurance.tipsFebruary 2014$ 3,200.00 USDSubtleDomains
investing.tipsFebruary 2014$ 1,200.00 USD
mietwagen.tipsSeptember 2015€ 149.00 EURSedo auction
horoscope.tipsJanuary 2019$ 22.00 USDDynadot
movies123.tipsDecember 2021$ 21.99 USDDynadot

Total price amount in this set of 6 domain name sales is 8,565.91 USD; average price is 1,427.65 USD.

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