Found 7 matches for year 2018 and .es:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
proshop.esJanuary 2018€ 5,000.00 EURSedo
elciclista.esDecember 2018€ 3,999.00 EURSedo
canario.esOctober 2018€ 3,800.00 EURSedo
tajmahal.esSeptember 2018$ 980.00 USDGoDaddy auction
haha.esDecember 2018$ 150.00 USDGoDaddy auction
htr.esDecember 2018$ 150.00 USDGoDaddy auction
booty.esOctober 2018$ 15.00 USDFlippa auction

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 16,296.45 USD; average price is 2,328.06 USD.

Check also:

  • .es yearly statistics
  • year 2018 stats
  • .es registration renewal transfer prices