Found 8 matches for July 2013 and .fr:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
beaute.frJuly 2013$ 23,298.00 USDSedo (beauté.fr)July 2013$ 23,298.00 USDSedo
syndic.frJuly 2013€ 13,000.00 EURSedo
parkingroissy.frJuly 2013$ 12,740.00 USDSedo
mediatheques.frJuly 2013€ 1,500.00 EURSedo auction
1000000000.frJuly 2013€ 200.00 EURSedo auction
chartegraphique.frJuly 2013€ 110.00 EURSedo auction
trouveruncadeau.frJuly 2013€ 100.00 EURSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 8 domain name sales is 79,016.69 USD; average price is 9,877.09 USD.

Check also:

  • .fr monthly statistics
  • July 2013 stats
  • .fr registration renewal transfer prices