Found 13 matches for year 2011 and .gr:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
blogspot.grMarch 2011€ 17,500.00 EURSedo auction
onlinebet.grApril 2011$ 24,167.00 USDSedo
okairos.grMarch 2011€ 4,400.00 EURSedo
broker.grJanuary 2011€ 4,600.00 EURSedo auction
greecehotels.grSeptember 2011€ 4,250.00 EURSedo auction
radar.grMay 2011€ 4,000.00 EURSedo
better.grJanuary 2011$ 4,320.00 USDSedo
home24.grDecember 2011€ 2,500.00 EURSedo auction
pos.grJanuary 2011$ 3,128.00 USD
icons.grFebruary 2011€ 2,050.00 EURSedo auction
outletcity.grOctober 2011€ 1,500.00 EURSedo
million.grJanuary 2011$ 1,716.00 USD
goldendeal.grApril 2011$ 800.00 USDSedo

Total price amount in this set of 13 domain name sales is 90,567.58 USD; average price is 6,966.74 USD.

Check also:

  • .gr yearly statistics
  • year 2011 stats
  • .gr registration renewal transfer prices