Found 7 matches for year 2017 and .im:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
art.imAugust 2017$ 1,650.00 USDSedo
ten.imAugust 2017$ 1,080.00 USDSedo
mom.imJune 2017$ 105.00 USDFlippa auction
fax.imFebruary 2017$ 41.00 USDFlippa auction
technology.imMay 2017$ 41.00 USDFlippa auction
hover.imFebruary 2017$ 40.00 USDFlippa auction
ios.imJuly 2017$ 40.00 USDFlippa auction

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 2,997.00 USD; average price is 428.14 USD.

Check also:

  • .im yearly statistics
  • year 2017 stats
  • .im registration renewal transfer prices