Found 8 matches for year 2011 and .li:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
love.liJanuary 2011$ 6,440.00 USDSedo
mob.liNovember 2011€ 1,000.00 EURSedo auction
jagd.liFebruary 2011$ 1,350.00 USDSedo
rock.liMarch 2011$ 1,000.00 USDSedo
bubb.liApril 2011£ 330.00 GBPSedo auction
simp.liJanuary 2011€ 160.00 EURSedo auction
work.liAugust 2011€ 130.00 EURSedo auction
tagesgeld.liFebruary 2011€ 120.00 EURSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 8 domain name sales is 11,247.80 USD; average price is 1,405.98 USD.

Check also:

  • .li yearly statistics
  • year 2011 stats
  • .li registration renewal transfer prices