Found 9 matches for year 2014 and .li:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
next.liJanuary 2014$ 5,500.00 USDSedo
htl.liJanuary 2014$ 3,579.00 USDSedo
hero.liJanuary 2014$ 1,807.00 USD
toys.liAugust 2014$ 600.00 USDFlippa auction
israe.liAugust 2014$ 500.00 USDFlippa auction
banks.liOctober 2014$ 90.00 USDFlippa auction
creditcards.liJuly 2014$ 79.00 USDFlippa auction
blackjack.liSeptember 2014$ 50.00 USDFlippa auction
slow.liJune 2014$ 50.00 USDFlippa auction

Total price amount in this set of 9 domain name sales is 12,255.00 USD; average price is 1,361.67 USD.

Check also:

  • .li yearly statistics
  • year 2014 stats
  • .li registration renewal transfer prices