Found 12 matches for February 2009 and .nl:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
identiteit.nlFebruary 2009€ 2,550.00 EURSedo auction
brieven.nlFebruary 2009€ 2,150.00 EURSedo auction -RNMFebruary 2009€ 1,250.00 EURSedo auction
sipkema.nlFebruary 2009$ 1,196.00 USDSedo
mothers.nlFebruary 2009€ 750.00 EURSedo auction
handy.nlFebruary 2009€ 600.00 EURSedo auction
legitimatie.nlFebruary 2009€ 510.00 EURSedo auction
ontbijten.nlFebruary 2009€ 501.00 EURSedo auction
keu.nlFebruary 2009€ 500.00 EURSedo auction
bestellingen.nlFebruary 2009€ 426.00 EURSedo auction
sportlokaal.nlFebruary 2009€ 400.00 EURSedo auction -RNMFebruary 2009€ 100.00 EURSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 12 domain name sales is 13,620.27 USD; average price is 1,135.02 USD.

Check also:

  • .nl monthly statistics
  • February 2009 stats
  • .nl registration renewal transfer prices