Found 19 matches for June 2012 and .pl:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
swiatwiedzy.plJune 20127,300.00 PLN
mobilefun.plJune 2012€ 1,250.00 EURSedo
pendrive.plJune 20125,305.00 PLN
whi.plJune 20124,750.00 PLN
baner.plJune 20124,350.00 PLN
autoranking.plJune 20122,500.00 PLN
hastalavista.plJune 20122,150.00 PLN
informatorgminny.plJune 20122,000.00 PLN
camel.plJune 20122,030.00 PLN
hurtowniamedyczna.plJune 20121,899.00 PLN
e-ulotki.plJune 20121,900.00 PLN
resoraki.plJune 20121,810.00 PLN
danio.plJune 20121,800.00 PLN
odwroconehipoteki.plJune 20121,820.00 PLN
plajta.plJune 20121,775.00 PLN
zezwolenie.plJune 20121,550.00 PLN
karaokeparty.plJune 20121,250.00 PLN
taniapolisa.plJune 20121,105.00 PLN
poczta24.plJune 20121,100.00 PLN

Total price amount in this set of 19 domain name sales is 15,059.70 USD; average price is 792.62 USD.

Check also:

  • .pl monthly statistics
  • June 2012 stats
  • .pl registration renewal transfer prices