Found 9 matches for May 2013 and .pw:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
66.pwMay 2013$ 1,000.00 USDAfterNIC
88.pwMay 2013$ 1,000.00 USDAfterNIC
99.pwMay 2013$ 1,000.00 USDAfterNIC
astro.pwMay 2013$ 500.00 USDAfterNIC
beauty.pwMay 2013$ 500.00 USDAfterNIC
girls.pwMay 2013$ 500.00 USDAfterNIC
std.pwMay 2013$ 500.00 USDAfterNIC
pinup.pwMay 2013$ 31.00 USDFlippa auction
tour.pwMay 2013$ 25.00 USDNameJet auction

Total price amount in this set of 9 domain name sales is 5,056.00 USD; average price is 561.78 USD.

Check also:

  • .pw monthly statistics
  • May 2013 stats
  • .pw registration renewal transfer prices