Found 12 matches for year 2008 and .sc:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
domain.scFebruary 2008$ 1,500.00 USDSedo auction
webhosting.scApril 2008€ 800.00 EURSedo auction
hosting.scApril 2008€ 760.00 EURSedo auction
dollar.scMay 2008$ 1,050.00 USDSedo auction
pussy.scJanuary 2008$ 450.00 USDMoniker
xxx.scJanuary 2008$ 300.00 USDMoniker
pussy.scAugust 2008$ 285.00 USDSedo auction
office.scAugust 2008$ 250.00 USDSedo auction
dns.scAugust 2008€ 160.00 EURSedo auction
banking.scNovember 2008$ 160.00 USDSedo auction
viagra.scAugust 2008$ 160.00 USDSedo auction
love.scJanuary 2008$ 100.00 USDMoniker

Total price amount in this set of 12 domain name sales is 6,945.25 USD; average price is 578.77 USD.

Check also:

  • .sc yearly statistics
  • year 2008 stats
  • .sc registration renewal transfer prices