Found 12 matches for February 2011 and .us:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
4sports.usFebruary 2011$ 1,500.00 USDSedo
grocerycoupons.usFebruary 2011$ 1,350.00 USDSedo
whisky.usFebruary 2011€ 750.00 EURSedo auction
4shoes.usFebruary 2011$ 1,000.00 USDSedo
pdf.usFebruary 2011$ 995.00 USDSedo
fastweightloss.usFebruary 2011$ 800.00 USDSedo auction
1n1.usFebruary 2011$ 700.00 USDSedo auction
ced.usFebruary 2011$ 595.00 USDSedo
scanner.usFebruary 2011€ 265.00 EURSedo auction
dukenukemforever.usFebruary 2011$ 300.00 USDFlippa auction
cop.usFebruary 2011€ 130.00 EURSedo auction
boyz.usFebruary 2011$ 70.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 12 domain name sales is 8,889.37 USD; average price is 740.78 USD.

Check also:

  • .us monthly statistics
  • February 2011 stats
  • .us registration renewal transfer prices