Found 12 matches for February 2017 and .global:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
atd.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
cmc.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
crc.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
fetish.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
ias.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
relay.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
times.globalFebruary 2017$ 4,800.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
extranet.globalFebruary 2017$ 1,200.00 USD.GLOBAL Registry
cars.globalFebruary 2017$ 400.00 USDNameJet auction
change.globalFebruary 2017$ 375.00 USDNameJet auction
trader.globalFebruary 2017$ 375.00 USDNameJet auction
chess.globalFebruary 2017$ 150.00 USDFlippa auction

Total price amount in this set of 12 domain name sales is 36,100.00 USD; average price is 3,008.33 USD.

Check also:

  • .global monthly statistics
  • February 2017 stats
  • .global registration renewal transfer prices