Found 28 matches for October 2007 and .biz:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
horoscope.bizOctober 2007€ 2,000.00 EURSedo auction
videogames.bizOctober 2007$ 1,700.00 USDSedo auction
webcamsex.bizOctober 2007€ 710.00 EURSedo auction
lucero.bizOctober 2007$ 1,000.00 USDAfterNIC
online-casino.bizOctober 2007$ 960.00 USDSedo auction
esnaf.bizOctober 2007$ 750.00 USDTDNAM
sparta.bizOctober 2007$ 750.00 USDAfterNIC
inductor.bizOctober 2007€ 500.00 EURSedo auction
techforce.bizOctober 2007$ 600.00 USDAfterNIC
blogcuyuz.bizOctober 2007$ 586.00 USDTDNAM
ekk.bizOctober 2007$ 573.00 USDSedo auction
myx.bizOctober 2007$ 500.00 USDAfterNIC
gaysex.bizOctober 2007€ 300.00 EURSedo auction
frisch.bizOctober 2007$ 400.00 USDSedo auction
datingguide.bizOctober 2007£ 159.00 GBPSedo auction
ekz.bizOctober 2007€ 210.00 EURSedo auction
appreciation.bizOctober 2007$ 225.00 USDSedo auction
369.bizOctober 2007$ 220.00 USDSedo auction
heroine.bizOctober 2007$ 220.00 USDSedo auction
r2r.bizOctober 2007£ 100.00 GBPSedo auction
wsv.bizOctober 2007$ 200.00 USDSedo auction
skim.bizOctober 2007€ 110.00 EURSedo auction
freedate.bizOctober 2007€ 100.00 EURSedo auction
cashout.bizOctober 2007€ 100.00 EURSedo auction
allgames.bizOctober 2007$ 70.00 USDSedo auction

chickenpox.bizOctober 2007$ 60.00 USDSedo auction
landowners.bizOctober 2007$ 60.00 USDSedo auction
beneficiaries.bizOctober 2007$ 1.00 USDAfterNIC

Total price amount in this set of 28 domain name sales is 15,131.37 USD; average price is 540.41 USD.

Check also:

  • .biz monthly statistics
  • October 2007 stats
  • .biz registration renewal transfer prices