Found 18 matches for August 2009 and .mobi:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
fcv.mobiAugust 2009$ 5,000.00 USDSedo
aps.mobiAugust 2009$ 2,000.00 USDAfterNIC
thueringen.mobiAugust 2009$ 1,692.00 USD
hamburg.mobiAugust 2009$ 1,450.00 USDSedo auction
socialmedia.mobiAugust 2009$ 1,050.00 USDAfterNIC
bred.mobiAugust 2009$ 850.00 USDSedo auction
bremen.mobiAugust 2009€ 550.00 EURSedo auction
none.mobiAugust 2009$ 350.00 USDSedo auction
toptip.mobiAugust 2009$ 200.00 USDSedo auction
amoureux.mobiAugust 2009€ 100.00 EURSedo auction
autoinsurancequotes.mobiAugust 2009$ 100.00 USDSedo auction
meubels.mobiAugust 2009$ 100.00 USDSedo auction
freetranslation.mobiAugust 2009$ 95.00 USDSedo auction
augmented-reality.mobiAugust 2009$ 80.00 USDSedo auction
keywords.mobiAugust 2009$ 70.00 USDSedo auction
caen.mobiAugust 2009$ 60.00 USDSedo auction
greens.mobiAugust 2009$ 60.00 USDSedo auction
windshieldrepair.mobiAugust 2009$ 60.00 USDSedo auction

Total price amount in this set of 18 domain name sales is 14,144.61 USD; average price is 785.81 USD.

Check also:

  • .mobi monthly statistics
  • August 2009 stats
  • .mobi registration renewal transfer prices