Search historic sales based on βeτα


Found 15 similar matches for "" and on 2+ [auto]keyword(s)*:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
my.netDecember 2011£ 49,000.00 GBPSedo auction
my.deOctober 2009€ 20,500.00 EURSedo auction
my.taxMay 2018$ 22,500.00 USDSedo
my.netDecember 2011£ 9,000.00 GBPSedo
my.mdFebruary 2011$ 5,000.00 USDSedo
my.imApril 2007€ 1,350.00 EURSedo auction
my.propertySeptember 2020$ 1,361.40 USDDynadot
my.atNovember 2016€ 1,130.00 EURSedo
my.tlMay 2008€ 600.00 EURSedo auction
my.vcFebruary 2011€ 650.00 EURSedo auction
my.vcNovember 2019$ 585.94 USDDynadot
my.propertySeptember 2019$ 429.00 USDDynadot
my.peApril 2015$ 75.00 USDFlippa auction 2007$ 26.00 USDAfterNIC
my.sbsJuly 2022$ 13.99 USDDynadot

Total price amount in this set of 15 domain name sales is 156,300.90 USD; average price is 10,420.06 USD.