Found 7 matches for year 2020 and .fr:

Domain nameDatePriceBroker
chauffage.frFebruary 2020€ 62,500.00 EURSedo
homedo.frFebruary 2020€ 17,000.00 EURSedo
aelys.frNovember 2020€ 7,000.00 EURSedo
lelive.frJanuary 2020€ 6,000.00 EURSedo
faye.frJune 2020€ 5,000.00 EURSedo
cash.frApril 2020€ 3,000.00 EURSedo
lrk.frAugust 2020€ 2,000.00 EURSedo

Total price amount in this set of 7 domain name sales is 113,964.58 USD; average price is 16,280.65 USD.

Check also:

  • .fr yearly statistics
  • year 2020 stats
  • .fr registration renewal transfer prices